Sunday, February 9, 2014

Temper Tantrums at 40...Really??

Temper tantrums can't ever be a good thing, can it?? I said to my friend yesterday that I should be over this phase in my life, but I guess not. I really wanted to yell and kick and scream and get my way, however, I didn't. I pulled myself together.

I found myself being mad at me. Mad at life- how I didn't sign up for all of this. I didn't ask for a pacemaker, or rheumatoid arthritis, or my newly diagnosed hypothyroidism(as if I needed something else!!). Yes, I had a real pity party going, you should have been there.

But the truth of the matter is: I have no control over it. I have to accept where I am, who I am, and work with what God gave me. I also have to understand that I CANNOT eat what I want and get the results I am looking for. Soda, candy, bread, fries, whatever- it's not on my plan. What makes it even more interesting is I am finally beginning to understand what those foods can do to me. I have friends that if they eat off plan, they get sick immediately. Not so for me- it takes days, sometimes weeks for me to feel the effects. My body swells. My joints ache. I break out in rashes. But not immediately. So by the time it happens, my brain has already lost the connection that "bad"foods=sickness. So, I can't do that to myself. The sooner I get that through my head, the better off and more successful I will be.

Anyway, I didn't stay mad forever. I didn't yell or kick anything like I wanted to. I turned to my friends and that really helped me through. I was honest with myself and my coach (although I didn't want to rationalizations sounded so much better in my head!!)and just accepted this is where I am. Now to move forward and make better choices.

The awesome thing about feelings is that they just are- they always change. Are you having a bad day? Do something to help someone else, go to the gym, talk to your friends, the feeling will soon pass. Here's to a successful week, a more positive week and another step in the right direction. Thanks for being there on the journey with me!

Just be awesome!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

My Fit Friend: Andrea Buchheit!

This week's fit friend is Andrea Buchheit. The picture of her was taken this last January after the Dopey Challenge at Disney. She will tell you more about that below. I was trying to figure out how long we have known each other and when we started teaching together- it's been 12 years or so ago...time flies and I lost count. She has a wonderful story, she's highly motivated and sometimes makes us all tired with her boundless here is my Bon Jovi loving friend...

Andrea Buchheit
Age: 40
Occupation: Teacher

Short-term Goal: To complete AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge in order to redefine healthy eating and focus on maximum nutrition with increased energy

Long-term Goal: To run at least a ½ Marathon in all 50 states; just completed 23rd state

Life Goal: To maintain health and wellness in order to get the most from life!

I began running again in 2006 when I joined The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Team in Training (TNT). I trained for my first half marathon while raising money for LLS. Their organization provides great support to cancer patients, as well as those training with their program. When my husband’s best friend was diagnosed with Lymphoma the following year, I decided to join TNT once again and take on the full marathon challenge. I ran my first full marathon in 2007 in Dublin, Ireland. I swore I would never run another full marathon, and instead decided to set a goal to run a ½ marathon in every state.
Well, it’s true-never say never! I just completed the 2014 Inaugural Dopey Challenge in Walt Disney World. The challenge was to run a 5K on Thursday, a 10K on Friday, a half-marathon on Saturday, and a full marathon on Sunday. That was my 5th full marathon. While I don’t intend to run anymore full marathons, I highly recommend that anyone looking for a memorable challenge, run the Disney World Marathon. During any of the Disney races, you are able to stop for pictures with the characters. But during the full marathon, you have the opportunity to ride a roller coaster. Crazy fun! Just be aware that with all this fun, there’s no time for a PR (personal record).
So with numerous 5K’s, 22 half marathons, five full marathons complete, covering 23 states and one foreign country, I’m almost half finished with my current long-term goal. My timeline is to complete the 50th state by my 50th birthday. In the meantime, I’ve just become an advisor with AdvoCare. I look forward to using the AdvoCare Performance Elite sports nutrition line to help me perform my best and recovery properly. This of course in line with my life-long plan of maintaining health and wellness in order to get the most from life!

Spinning Plates

This is what my life has felt like the last few the person I watched on TV trying to keep the plates spinning and not crashing to the ground. The first week of the semester is ALWAYS like this. I teach three sections of Orientation, a combined graduate and undergraduate reading course, and three sections of School Observation. So it's a mad dash to get everything set up, Blackboard set up, syllabi updated and printed, and a new schedule figured out. And that's just the beginning when it comes to work.

Keeping health as a priority and preparing for the week feels very similar sometimes too. Prepare all the foods, figure out all your supplements and when you can take them; plan your workout schedule for the week, meet with coach and make all your workouts. It doesn't happen by accident- you have to make time for it. After a time, you may even really look forward to it! I know I do, and I am actually looking forward to getting to the gym tomorrow after being snowed and iced in for two days. Drives me stir crazy!!

"I just don't have the time" I see this a lot, hear it a lot, but in essence, it's just not true. The correct response would be that it isn't a priority for you. No judgement here- it just may be where you are. We all have the same hours in a day. We all have work and family obligations. My coach said if I have to, then just get up earlier. That was his response when I said I didn't think I could get there every afternoon. I teach two evenings a week!! I have three kids! I was writing a paper! I have X,Y, and Z to get done. The truth of the matter is, I had to make time. So when I worked out my class schedule, I began to figure out what times each day I would work out. I usually give myself one day off during the week and then again on Sundays. Otherwise, this semester, you will find me at the gym after work.

So, life is always going to be full of spinning plates. Somethings you can prepare for, others you cannot. Set a routine- I know people who work out every morning at 4:30 am and 5:30 am; I also see the same gym friends when I go in the afternoon. You can do this! What do you do to help keep yourself on track? What times do you find work best for working out? Share your suggestions- we'd love to know!

Just be awesome!
~ Vanessa