Sunday, February 9, 2014

Temper Tantrums at 40...Really??

Temper tantrums can't ever be a good thing, can it?? I said to my friend yesterday that I should be over this phase in my life, but I guess not. I really wanted to yell and kick and scream and get my way, however, I didn't. I pulled myself together.

I found myself being mad at me. Mad at life- how I didn't sign up for all of this. I didn't ask for a pacemaker, or rheumatoid arthritis, or my newly diagnosed hypothyroidism(as if I needed something else!!). Yes, I had a real pity party going, you should have been there.

But the truth of the matter is: I have no control over it. I have to accept where I am, who I am, and work with what God gave me. I also have to understand that I CANNOT eat what I want and get the results I am looking for. Soda, candy, bread, fries, whatever- it's not on my plan. What makes it even more interesting is I am finally beginning to understand what those foods can do to me. I have friends that if they eat off plan, they get sick immediately. Not so for me- it takes days, sometimes weeks for me to feel the effects. My body swells. My joints ache. I break out in rashes. But not immediately. So by the time it happens, my brain has already lost the connection that "bad"foods=sickness. So, I can't do that to myself. The sooner I get that through my head, the better off and more successful I will be.

Anyway, I didn't stay mad forever. I didn't yell or kick anything like I wanted to. I turned to my friends and that really helped me through. I was honest with myself and my coach (although I didn't want to rationalizations sounded so much better in my head!!)and just accepted this is where I am. Now to move forward and make better choices.

The awesome thing about feelings is that they just are- they always change. Are you having a bad day? Do something to help someone else, go to the gym, talk to your friends, the feeling will soon pass. Here's to a successful week, a more positive week and another step in the right direction. Thanks for being there on the journey with me!

Just be awesome!

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