Well, it's taken me long enough. I have had this sitting on my computer since mid-last year when it was strongly suggested that I start a blog and talk about my story. I'll be honest. I didn't want to do it. When things are good, it's easy to talk about it and share. When it gets tough- that's when things get hard. Who wants to say they are struggling? Who wants to say they are going backwards? I used to think no one wants to, but I found out that when I finally opened up to my friends, we were all going through the same thing. We ALL struggle.
My friend Debbie said on her radio show today, it's a journey, not a destination. She is 100% right. You will never "arrive", it will be something you always work towards and your goal is to be better today than you were yesterday. Not better than anyone else, just be a better you. So, here it goes. I will share about my successes and you'll hear about my struggles. I will also introduce some of my "Fit Friends" each week- people like you and I who are just wanting to live a healthier lifestyle. I'll also share some of the pages I follow on FB, as well as blogs I like to read too.
I look forward to hearing from you and sharing my journey along the way! Have a great week! Vanessa
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